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Board and C-suite

Our award-winning team advise directors and employers, helping them meet their compliance obligations by providing a tailored service

Understanding your needs

The board of directors lead the company and its management, making strategic and operational decisions and have responsibility for ensuring that the company meets its statutory obligations.

The Companies Act 2006 imposes a number of obligations on directors and getting the right advice is critical as penalties for not meeting these obligations can be financial, criminal and reputational.

How we can help


Help improve governance and compliance

Reduce risks including personal, compliance and reputational

Help provide effective oversight

Director Support

Meeting personal compliance obligations in relation to the directorship in the UK and overseas

Helping directors meet their personal tax compliance obligations and maximise opportunities to save tax

Global Talent

Help you grow your global talent pool, particularly at the senior level

Provide you with different approaches and best practice to scale and grow quickly

Support you to quickly onboard board members

Social security tax

Help organisations meet their international social security obligations, including calculating National Insurance Contributions for directors, claiming available exemptions from social security, planning and helping make voluntary contributions when mandatory obligations are no longer required

Employment tax

Help organisations understand their employer compliance obligations in the UK and overseas

Manage employer obligations effectively through operating payrolls and preparing P11Ds

Strategic thinking

Expense management

Format and location of board meeting

Overseas issues

Support your overseas directors in both the UK and with thier home country reporting

Non-Resident Directors

Helping directors of UK company’s that live overseas meet their compliance and reporting obligations

Company directors are often very busy and in a sensitive and important role.

It is therefore critical that both employers and office holders (executive and non-executive) should be aware of their tax compliance and reporting obligations, even if they live overseas, as often tax exemptions given to short term business visitors are not available to them.

Blick Rothenberg has developed a bespoke non-resident director tax advisory service and we support a number of directors of listed and private companies to manage and meet these obligations.

How we can help

Our experienced tax advisers provide help with the following:

  • Assistance with payroll responsibilities
  • Establish whether the director is required to file a UK tax return
  • Establish whether employer and employee social security / National Insurance contributions are due
  • Prepare UK tax returns when required
  • Provide tax advice on accommodation and travel expenses
  • Provide advice on UK employer and director compliance obligations

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