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Spring Budget 2024

Commentary and analysis of the Chancellor’s Spring Budget Statement


Spring Budget 2024 Header

Private individuals

John Bull and Neil Lancaster look at how the Chancellor’s budget will impact private individuals.

John Bull & Neil Lancaster - Budget 24
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Was it a Budget for Business?

Head of Corporate Tax Genevieve Morris and Audit Partner Mahmood Ramji look at the impact of the Budget on businesses.

Budget 24 Thumbnail Genevieve Morris & Mahmood Ramji
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Property and construction

Head of Property and Partner, Heather Powell looks at the impact of the budget on the property and construction sector.

Heather Powell Budget 2024
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High Income Child Benefit Charge (HIBC) and National Insurance

Director Robert Salter shares his views on the Child Benefit claw-back and National Insurance Contribution changes announced by the Chancellor.



Budget 24 - Robert Salter
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The British ISA

Partner Simon Rothenberg looks at the new British ISA: what it is and how it will work.

Budget 24 Simon Rothenberg Thumbnail
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The Tax Factor – Episode 31

This week Rob Goodley and Rehanna Earle look at the fallout from the Spring Budget and wonder if the Government really wants to make the non-dom changes or just leave a bit of a mess for a new Government to fix.

HMRC have launched a consultation to attempt to clamp down on rogue tax advisors, whilst it’s been announced that the Government Gateway website is being replaced (but it’s going to be three years until we see it).

Finally, they look at the HMRC consultation on global transparency rules, meaning crypto platforms will have to share client data directly with HMRC, making it much harder to avoid Capital Gains Tax.

The Tax Factor – Episode 30

Spring Budget Special

There’s only one topic of conversation in this week’s Tax Factor: The Budget.

Nimesh and Heather discuss all things property, Non-Doms and Child benefit. Is all the evidence pointing to an Autumn election?

TaxFax 2024/25 – Updated March 2024

Our TaxFax guide, which outlines key tax information, has been updated to include the latest changes from the Spring Budget.

TaxFax 24 25

Tax Calculator – Check the impact of the Spring Statement on your finances


The Tax Factor – Episode 29

There’s a Budget on the way!

This week Heather Self, Melissa Thomas and Nimesh Shah look ahead to the Budget, discussing electric cars, fuel duty and proposals to remove VAT on loo roll.

Heather also has a grumble about the High-Income Child Benefit charge and trying to guess when Rishi Sunak might call an election (and whether he’ll go off to California afterwards).