For Entrepreneurs and Individuals Looking to Expand into the UK | ウェビナー: 英国進出をお考えの皆様へ
Number 3 | 3番
In Japanese | 日本語で
Wednesday 2 October | 10月2日(水)

This is our 3rd webinar, and it is aimed specifically at female entrepreneurs considering expanding into the UK market
ウェビナー: 英国進出をお考えの皆様へ
For entrepreneurs and individuals looking to expand their businesses into the UK
Calling all entrepreneurs and individuals looking to expand into the UK
このたび、英国大手税務・会計事務所であるBlick Rothenberg社および英国進出企業をマーケティング面からサポートするPointblank Promotions 社は、英国への進出を考える企業・個人の方々に向けたウェビナーを共同で開催致します。第三回目となる今回は、好評を博した前回に続き英国で活躍する日本人女性起業家にスポットを当てた内容となっております。
Blick Rothenberg and Pointblank Promotions, a marketing support company for businesses entering the UK, are jointly hosting a series of webinars for businesses and individuals looking to expand into the UK. The third edition of the webinar will focus on Japanese female entrepreneurs in the UK, following on from the previous edition, which was very well received.
昨今合意された日英包括的経済連携協定(日英EPA) において、「女性のビジネス」に対して日英両国政府は重点的にサポートしていくことを明確にしています。この流れを受け、今回のウェビナーでは、英国で法律事務所3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltdを設立し16年間にわたりManaging Directorとして経営を担っている三富博子様をゲストにお迎えし、インタビュー形式でお話を伺います。
Under the recently agreed UK-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (UK-Japan EPA), the UK and Japanese governments have made it clear that they will focus their support on ‘women in business’. In response to this trend, this webinar will feature an interview with Hiroko Mitomi, who established the UK law firm 3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd and has been managing the firm as Managing Director for 16 years.
Hiroko will be sharing valuable information based on her own experiences, which will be of great help to those who are thinking of expanding into the UK. We hope you will take this opportunity to attend.
The content of the webinar and what Mr Hashimoto will be talking about are as follows
1. オープニング
1. Opening
Brief introduction of Hiroko and 3CS
2. 起業の背景や直面した課題
2. Background of the start-up and challenges faced
Background and history of the establishment of the law firm and the challenges faced
3. 英国での法律事務所の運営
3. Running a law firm in the UK
Changes in the legal environment surrounding Japanese companies from the actual operation of a law firm in the UK
4. 英国での女性起業家としての経験
4. Experiences as a woman entrepreneur in the UK
The challenges and benefits of being a female entrepreneur and the impact gender can have on business
5. 今後の展望とアドバイス
5. Future prospects and advice
Future business prospects and advice for those wishing to start a business in the UK, particularly women entrepreneurs
6. Q&Aセッション
6. Q&A session
Questions from the audience answered