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Global Mobility Summer Series – International Social Security

with Robert Salter

Friday 19 July

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Join our bitesize technical updates over lunch to get up to speed with the latest issues in Global Mobility


Our experts will delve into a wide range of areas from international pensions and reward strategies to social security and Short-Term Business Visitors

We aim to address your specific interests and will provide an interactive Q&A for you to ask any burning questions you may have

International Social Security with Robert Salter

This session will highlight the core social security opportunities and risks which arise for UK-based employers with foreign employees coming to the UK and UK legal employees working overseas.

We will also touch on remote working within the EU, which are not UK related.

After the session, attendees will understand what they need to do as employers in some common situations, the options which exist from a cost-saving perspective and the easements which HMRC have granted, to help them manage the UK NIC issues with internationally-mobile employees.

Webinar Replay

This session covers:

  • The UK / EU arrangements
  • The UK’s agreements with 3rd countries (e.g. Japan, Canada and the US), and
  • Those countries with whom the UK has no social security agreement
  • Remote working in the EU
  • Rules for common EU commuter locations
BR Robert Salter GMSS Replay With Icon
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