Research and Development (R&D) in Property & Construction
Helena Kanczula, Corporate Tax Director and Neil Insull, Corporate Tax Partner, discuss enhanced tax relief for R&D expenditure and claims for R&D tax credits in the Property & Construction sector
PropTech innovations which harness technological transformation are an obvious recipient of R&D tax credits. However, many companies in the Property & Construction sector are adapting the ways in which they are doing things as a result of the global pandemic and social distancing, as well as the changing workforce due to Brexit.
Evolving consumer needs and the changes to how people are working, coupled with the speed at which technology is progressing, means that there are greater opportunities to make R&D claims within this sector.
Please click the links below to skip to specific questions:
- What types of businesses can qualify for R&D tax relief and is this restricted in any way?
- What is the monetary value of making a claim for R&D enhanced relief?
- What are the indicators that a company in this sector is carrying out a qualifying R&D project?
- What is meant by a ‘Competent Professional’?
- What activities may qualify for R&D?
- What are the implications of receiving subsidies or grants?
- Who qualifies for the relief when R&D work is being undertaken as part of the services provided to an end client?
- What are the common pitfalls when putting together a R&D claim?
- How should you format a R&D claim?
- What is the deadline to make a claim?
- Case study example
Would you like to know more?
If you would like to discuss how this may impact your business, please get in touch with your usual Blick Rothenberg contact or one of the contacts on this page.
You can also visit our Property & Construction Hub for more insights.
PropTech innovations which harness technological transformation are an obvious recipient of R&D tax credits. However, many companies in the Property & Construction sector are adapting the ways in which they are doing things as a result of the global pandemic and social distancing, as well as the changing workforce due to Brexit.
Evolving consumer needs and the changes to how people are working, coupled with the speed at which technology is progressing, means that there are greater opportunities to make R&D claims within this sector.

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