1 Limitation of Liability
1.1 Clauses 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 of the Terms (Limitation of Liability) do not apply in respect of audit work. In addition for statutory audit work, you agree to hold harmless and indemnify our partners, directors and staff, against any misrepresentation, whether intentional or unintentional, supplied to us orally or in writing in connection with this agreement. You agree that you will not bring any claim in connection with services provided to you by us against any of our directors, employees or members (partners), other than the statutory auditor, on a personal basis.
2 Our responsibilities in respect of audit work
2.1 Our Engagement Letter, Schedule of Services and Annex set out the basis on which We are to act as auditors and to clarify Our respective responsibilities in respect of the audit.
a. Auditing Standards require Us to appoint an engagement partner who shall take overall responsibility for the planning and conduct of the audit, and for the report that is issued on behalf of the firm. We have assessed the professional requirements of this assignment and your engagement partner will be notified in the letter of engagement.
b. For audits governed by the Companies Act 2006 (‘CA 2006’), the engagement partner is referred to as the ‘Senior Statutory Auditor’, and the auditor report in the signed copy of the financial statements provided to You must be signed by the Senior Statutory Auditor in their own name on behalf of the firm The audit report in all other copies of the financial statements must state the name of the Senior Statutory Auditor, but may be signed in the name of the firm. The audit report in the financial statements filed at Companies House must state the name of the Senior Statutory Auditor and the name of the firm but does not need to be signed.
c. The period that We will be responsible for the audit of Your financial statements will be laid out in the Schedule of Services provided to you.
3 Regulatory details pertaining to Audit
3.1 Blick Rothenberg Audit LLP is a firm of Statutory Auditors registered to carry out audit work in the UK by ICAEW and eligible to conduct audits under the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work is conducted in accordance with the Audit Regulations and Guidance published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales which can be found on the ICAEW website. and International Standards on Auditing (UK) published by the Financial Reporting Council (‘FRC’) which can be found on thier website: Auditing Standards and Audit, Assurance and Ethics.
3.2 When conducting audit work We are required to comply with the FRC Ethical Standard for Auditors, which can be accessed here.
3.3 Details about Our audit registrations can be viewed at www.auditregister.org.uk for the Blick Rothenberg under reference number C003391218.
3.4 As part of our ongoing commitment to provide a quality service, our files are periodically reviewed by an independent regulatory or quality control body. These reviewers are highly experienced professionals and are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as our directors and staff.
Effective 4 April 2024