I am a Chartered Tax Adviser and joined Blick Rothenberg in December 2015.
I have over 20 years’ experience advising high net worth individuals on their diverse UK personal tax needs.
My expertise includes the taxation of non-domiciled individuals, offshore trusts, the tax implications on the division of assets on separation and divorce and inheritance tax (IHT) impact.
I am passionate about providing my clients with a proactive service founded on strong working relationships, and work closely with my clients’ professional advisers to provide a seamless, high quality service.
At the heart of delivering a high standard of service is a culture of inclusiveness, collaboration and openness, and this is something which sets Blick Rothenberg apart from the competition, and makes it such a great place to work.
There is never a dull moment and every day presents new situations and challenges for me to overcome on behalf of my clients, like undertaking the STEP Advanced Certificate in UK Tax (after many years off studying!), which now benefits the growing number of international clients for whom I act.
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Contact Suzanne

The abolition of the non-dom tax regime – Temporary Repatriation (TRF) and Rebasing

Separation & Divorce – Divorce and financial settlements – US & UK tax on the marital home